About Me

Hi, welcome to Burn Me Not! My name is Lindsey, and I’m the (amateur) baker, author, and photographer of this blog. I live in the outskirts of Atlanta, Georgia with my amazing husband (avid taste-tester), Matt, and our two loving dogs (wanna be taste-testers), Charlie and Gus.

This blog came about for a couple of reasons... 

First, Matt just started back to school this fall. He's going for his MBA, and all anyone could tell me before he started was how busy he's going to be for the next three years. So, I figured I needed something to keep me busy too. :) I've only just started, but I'm already addicted!

Second, I have spent most of this year reading and admiring other food blogs. I have always loved to bake and cook, and seeing other people's adventures in their kitchens really gave me an itch to step up the presence in my own. This blog is to showcase my trials and help keep track of my favorite recipes.  

Disclaimer: I am very new to the blog world, so bare with me and hopefully my blog will improve with time!

Why Burn Me Not? That's simple. Everyone who cooks or bakes has had their share of mishaps in the kitchen. If not, well, you must not be human. :) Anytime I try a new recipe or try experimenting with a current one, I have a little bit of that "oh please, let this turn out right" feeling during the process. Do you know what I'm talking about? I guess my thought is, if I were a cupcake in my oven, I would probably be thinking... "Oh please, don't burn me!" 

If you wish to contact me, you can email me: burnmenot (at) gmail (dot) com.

Thanks for visiting my blog; I hope you'll return often! 

Now, that's enough about me... let's throw on our aprons and go dirty some dishes!! :)

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Cake Illustration Copyrighted to Clarice